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Le Projet pour l’Équité et le Renforcement du Système Éducatif (PERSE)/The Project for Equity and Strengthening the Educational System (PERSE)

This buyer is a part of Ministere de l'Education Primaire, Secondaire, et Technique (MEPST)/Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education (MEPST).
Le Projet pour l’Équité et le Renforcement du Système Éducatif (PERSE)/The Project for Equity and Strengthening the Educational System (PERSE) operates in Congo, Democratic Republic.
The development objective of Emergency Equity and System Strengthening in Education Project for Democratic Republic of the Congo, aims to lower the burden of school fees on households and increase access to primary schooling in the selected provinces; and to strengthen core education systems. This project has three components. 1) The firs component, Enabling Free Access for All, aims to ensure that fee-free public primary education is accessible to all children in the ten target provinces. 2) The second component, Laying the Foundations for Quality, aims to strengthen the quality of free public primary education in the ten provinces. 3) The third component, Strengthening Systems for Results, aims to support the achievement of the project development objective (PDO) and provide overall capacity building of the sector. It has the following sub-components: (i) Strengthening Critical Systems; (ii) Ensuring Safe and Inclusive Schools and Citizen Engagement; and (iii) Project Management and Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC).

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