


General Information

   NAPTIN Corporate HQ, Abuja
   NAPTIN/AFD/DB 002/2022
   Mar 11, 2022
Apr 4, 2022

Initial Selection Document
for Procurement of Works

Design and Build (DB) Contract


National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN)


French Development Agency (AFD)

March 2022
Invitation for Initial Selection

MARCH 2022

National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) has received funds from Agence Française de Développement ("AFD") toward the cost of “Enhancing Vocational Training Delivery for the Power Sector in Nigeria”, and it intends to apply part of the funds to payments under the contract: Design & Build of 1x1MVA 0.415/33KV, 1x1MVA 33/11KV and 1x1MVA 33/132KV Training Substations on a 603, site and an MV/LV Trainining Pole Yard on a 647, site at their Abuja HQ. The Employer intends to initially select a maximum of 6 firms for the Design & Build of the Substation and Pole Yard. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in March/April 2022.

Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (address below) between 9:00am – 4:00pm WAT on workdays.

Applications for initial selection should be submitted in clearly marked envelopes and delivered to the address below by 12:00 WAT on Monday, 4th April 2022. Late applications will be rejected.


PIU OFFICE, Room 23, 3rd Floor
NAPTIN Corporate Headquarters,
Plot 21, Cadastral Zone, Idu Industrial Layout, by Sewage Treatment Plant,
Abuja, Nigeria.
+234 706 877 8458

Self-Assessment Tool for Applicant’s Compliance to Financial Resources
(Criterion 3.1(i) of Section III)
This tool requires the same information submitted in Forms FIN–3.3 and FIN–3.4. All conditions of "Available Financial Resources Net of Current Contract Commitments (CCC) ≥ Requirement for the Subject Contract" must be satisfied to qualify.
For Single Entities
For Single Entities Total Available Financial Resources from Form FIN-3.3 Total Monthly Financial Requirement for CCC from Form FIN-3.4 Available Financial Resources Net of CCC Requirement for the Subject Contract Results: Yes or No [D must be greater than or equal to E]
(A) (B) (C) D= (B-C) (E) (F)
[Name of Applicant] ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Joint Ventures
For Joint Ventures Total Available Financial Resources from Form FIN 3.3 Total Monthly Financial Requirement for CCC from Form FIN-3.4 Available Financial Resources Net of CCC Requirement for the Subject Contract Results: Yes or No [D must be greater than or equal to E]
(A) (B) (C) D= (B-C) (E) (F)
[Name of JV Member] ___________________ ______________ ___________ ___________
Each (other) JV Member:
[Name of JV Member 1] ___________________ ______________ ___________ ___________
[Name of JV Member 2] ___________________ ______________ ___________ ___________3
[Name of JV Member 3] ___________________ ______________ ___________ ____________3
All JV Members combined: ∑D = Sum of available financial resources net of current contract commitments for all Members of the JV. ∑D = ____________1 _____________
This tool is made available for use by the Applicant as a self-assessment tool, and by the Employer as evaluation work sheet, to determine compliance with financial resources requirement as stated in Criterion 3.1(i) of Section III. Failure to submit this tool by the Applicant shall not lead to application rejection.

Initial Selection Documents for Procurement of Works
Design and Build

Employer: The National Power Training Institute of Nigeria

Project: Design & Build of a Substation and Pole Yard at

Country: Nigeria

Invitation for Initial Selection No.: NAPTIN/AFD/C2/001/2022

International Procurement Competiton No.: NAPTIN/AFD/DB/001/2022

Issued on: 7th March 2022

Table of Contents Page

PART 1 – Initial Selection Procedures 6
Section I Instructions to Applicants (ITA) 6
Section II – Initial Selection Data Sheet (ISDS) 17
Section III – Initial Selection Criteria 20
Section IV – Application Forms 30
Section V – Eligibility Criteria 55
Section VI – AFD Policy - Corrupt & Fraudulent Practices – Environmental & Social Responsibility 57
PART 2 – Employer's Requirements 60
Section VII – Scope of Employer's Requirements 60

PART 1 – Initial Selection Procedures

Section I Instructions to Applicants (ITA)

Table of Clauses Page

A. General 8
1. Scope of Application 8
2. Source of Funds 8
3. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices 8
4. Eligible Applicants 8
5. Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services 9
B. Contents of the Initial Selection Documents 10
6. Sections of Initial Selection Documents 10
7. Clarification of Initial Selection Documents 10
8. Amendment of Initial Selection Documents 11
C. Preparation of Applications 11
9. Cost of Application 11
10. Language of Application 11
11. Documents Comprising the Application 11
12. Application Submission Form 11
13. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Applicant 11
14. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Applicant 12
15. Signing of the Application and Number of Copies 12
D. Submission of Applications 12
16. Sealing and Marking of Applications 12
17. Deadline for Submission of Applications 13
18. Late Applications 13
19. Opening of Applications 13
E. Procedures for Evaluation of Applications 13
20. Confidentiality 13
21. Clarification of Applications 13
22. Responsiveness of Applications 14
23. Margin of Preference 14
24. Subcontractors 14
F. Evaluation of Applications and Initial Selection of Applicants 14
25. Evaluation of Applications 14
26. Employer's Right to Reject All Applications 14
27. Initial Selection of Applicants 15
29. Invitation for Bids 16
30. Changes in Qualifications of Applicants 16

A. General
1. Scope of Application In connection with the invitation for Initial Selection indicated in Section II, Initial Selection Data Sheet (ISDS), the Employer, as defined in the ISDS, issues these Initial Selection Documents ("Initial Selection Documents") to prospective applicants ("Applicants") interested in submitting applications ("Applications") for Initial Selection for the Works (Design, Build and Operate or Design and Build, as specified in the ISDS) described in Section VII, Scope of Employer’s Requirement.

2. Source of Funds The Employer specified in the ISDS has received or has applied for financing (hereinafter called "funds") from Agence Française de Développement (hereinafter called "AFD") toward the project named in the ISDS. The Employer intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract(s) for which these Initial Selection Documents are issued.
3. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices AFD requires compliance with its policy regarding corrupt and fraudulent practices as set forth in Section VI AFD Policy - Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices - Environmental and Social Responsibility.
In further pursuance of this policy, Applicants shall permit and shall cause their subcontractors and subconsultants, to permit AFD to inspect all accounts, records and other documents relating to the submission of the Application, Bid submission (in case of Initial Selection), and contract performance (in the case of award), and to have them audited by auditors appointed by AFD.
4. Eligible Applicants An Applicant may be a firm that is a private entity, a state-owned enterprise or institution subject to ITA 4.3 - or any combination of such entities in the form of a joint venture (JV) under an existing agreement or with the intent to enter into such an agreement supported by a letter of intent. In the case of a joint venture, all members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. The JV shall nominate an authorized representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the members of the JV during the Initial Selection process, Bidding (in the event the JV submits Bid) and during contract execution (in the event the JV is awarded the Contract). Unless specified in the ISDS, there is no limit on the number of members in a JV.
A firm may apply for initial selection both individually, and as part of a joint venture, or as a subcontractor. If initially selected, it will not be permitted to bid for the same contract both as an individual firm and as a part of the joint venture. However, a firm may participate as a subcontractor in more than one Application, but only in that capacity. Applications submitted in violation of this procedure will be rejected.
AFD’s eligibility criteria for initial selection are described in Section V, Eligibility Criteria.
Applicants shall not have a conflict of interest. Any Applicant found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. An Applicant may be considered to have a conflict of interest for the purpose of this initial selection process, if the Applicant:
1. Directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with another Applicant; or
2. Receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from another Applicant; or
3. Has the same legal representative as another Applicant; or
4. Has a relationship with another Applicant, directly or through common third parties, that puts it in a position to influence the application of another Applicant, or influence the decisions of the Employer regarding this initial selection process; or
5. Any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical specifications of the Works that are the subject of the initial selection; or
6. Any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Employer as Employer’s Representative for the Contract implementation; or
7. Has a close business or family relationship with a professional staff of the Employer (or of the project implementing agency, or of a recipient of a part of the Funds who: (i) are directly or indirectly involved in the preparation of Initial Selection Documents or specifications of the contract, and/or the initial selection evaluation process; or (ii) would be involved in the implementation or supervision of such contract unless the conflict stemming from such relationship has been resolved in a manner acceptable to AFD throughout the procurement process and execution of the contract.
An Applicant shall not be under suspension from submitting an Application by the Employer as the result of the execution of a Bid Securing Declaration.
An Applicant shall provide such evidence of eligibility satisfactory to the Employer, as the Employer shall reasonably request.
5. Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services The materials, equipment and services to be supplied under the Contract and financed by AFD may have their origin in any country subject to the restrictions specified in Section V, Eligibility Criteria, and all expenditures under the Contract will not contravene such restrictions.
B. Contents of the Initial Selection Documents
6. Sections of Initial Selection Documents The Initial Selection Documents consist of parts 1 and 2 which comprise all the sections indicated below, and which should be read in conjunction with any Addendum issued in accordance with ITA 8.
PART 1: Initial Selection Procedures
1. Section I Instructions to Applicants (ITA)
2. Section II – Initial Selection Data Sheet (ISDS)
3. Section III – Initial Selection Criteria
4. Section IV – Application Forms
5. Section V – Eligibility Criteria
6. Section VI AFD Policy – Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices –Environmental and Social Responsibility
PART 2: Employer's Requirements
7. Section VII – Scope of Employer's Requirements
Unless obtained directly from the Employer, the Employer accepts no responsibility for the completeness of the Initial Selection Documents, responses to requests for clarification, or Addenda in accordance with ITA 8. In case of any discrepancies, documents issued directly by the Employer shall prevail.
The Applicant is expected to examine all instructions, forms, and terms in the Initial Selection Documents and to furnish with its Application all information or documentation as is required by the Initial Selection Documents.
7. Clarification of Initial Selection Documents A prospective Applicant requiring any clarification of the Initial Selection Documents shall contact the Employer in writing at the Employer’s address indicated in the ISDS. The Employer will respond in writing to any request for clarification provided that such request is received no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the deadline for submission of the applications. The Employer shall forward a copy of its response to all prospective Applicants who have obtained the Initial Selection Documents directly from the Employer, including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source. If so indicated in the ISDS, the Employer shall also promptly publish its response at the web page identified in the ISDS. Should the Employer deem it necessary to amend the Initial Selection Documents as a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITA 8 and in accordance with the provisions of ITA 17.2.
8. Amendment of Initial Selection Documents At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Applications, the Employer may amend the Initial Selection Documents by issuing an Addendum.
Any Addendum issued shall be part of the Initial Selection Documents and shall be communicated in writing to all Applicants who have obtained the Initial Selection Documents from the Employer. The Employer shall promptly publish the Addendum at the Employer’s web page identified in the ISDS.
To give Applicants reasonable time to take an Addendum into account in preparing their Applications, the Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Applications in accordance with ITA 17.2.
C. Preparation of Applications
9. Cost of Application The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Application. The Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Initial Selection process.
10. Language of Application The Application as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Initial Selection exchanged by the Applicant and the Employer, shall be written in the language specified in the ISDS. Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the Application may be in another language, provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in the ISDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Application, the translation shall govern.
11. Documents Comprising the Application The Application shall comprise the following:
1. Application Submission Form, in accordance with ITA 12;
2. Eligibility: documentary evidence establishing the Applicant’s eligibility, in accordance with ITA 13;
3. Qualifications: documentary evidence establishing the Applicant’s qualifications, in accordance with ITA 14; and
4. any other document required as specified in the ISDS.
The Applicant shall furnish information on commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid to agents or any other party relating to this Application.
12. Application Submission Form The Applicant shall complete an Application Submission Form as provided in Section IV, Application Forms. This Form must be completed without any alteration to its format.
13. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Applicant To establish its eligibility in accordance with ITA 4, the Applicant shall complete and sign the Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Social and Environmental Responsibility as provided in Section IV, Application Forms, without any alteration to its format and furnish supporting documentation as specified in Forms ELI 1.1 and ELI 1.2.
14. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Applicant To establish its qualifications to perform the contract(s) in accordance with Section III, Initial Selection Criteria, the Applicant shall provide the information requested in the corresponding Forms included in Section IV, Application Forms.
Wherever an Application Form requires an Applicant to state a monetary amount, Applicants should indicate the USD equivalent using the rate of exchange determined as follows:
1. for turnover or financial data required for each year - exchange rate prevailing on the last day of the respective calendar year (in which the amounts for that year are to be converted); and
2. value of single contract - exchange rate prevailing on the date of the contract.
Exchange rates shall be taken from the publicly available rate published by the Central Bank of the Employer's country; unless otherwise stated in the ISDS. Any error in determining the exchange rates in the Application may be corrected by the Employer.
15. Signing of the Application and Number of Copies The Applicant shall prepare one original of the documents comprising the Application as described in ITA 11 and clearly mark it "ORIGINAL". The original of the Application shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Applicant. In case the Applicant is a JV, the Application shall be signed by an authorized representative of the JV on behalf of the JV and so as to be legally binding on all the members as evidenced by a power of attorney signed by their legally authorized signatories. If a JV has not been formalized and a letter of intent to form a JV is presented, then the Letter of Intent shall be signed by every member of the intended JV.
The Applicant shall submit copies of the signed original Application, in the number specified in the ISDS, and clearly mark them "COPY". In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall prevail.
D. Submission of Applications
16. Sealing and Marking of Applications The Applicant shall enclose the original and the copies of the Application in a sealed envelope that shall:
1. Bear the name and address of the Applicant;
2. Be addressed to the Employer in accordance with ITA 17.1; and
3. bear the specific identification of this Initial Selection process
The Employer will accept no responsibility for not processing any envelope that was not identified as required in ITA 16.1 above.
17. Deadline for Submission of Applications Applicants may either submit their Applications by mail or by hand. Applications shall be received by the Employer at the address and no later than the deadline indicated in the ISDS. When so specified in the ISDS, Applicants have the option of submitting their Applications electronically, in accordance with electronic Application submission procedures specified in the ISDS.
The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Applications by amending the Initial Selection Documents in accordance with ITA 8, in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and the Applicants subject to the previous deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
18. Late Applications The Employer reserves the right to accept Applications received after the deadline for Submission of Applications.
19. Opening of Applications The Employer shall open all Applications at the date, time and place specified in the ISDS. Late Applications shall be treated in accordance with ITA 18.1.
Applications submitted electronically (if permitted pursuant to ITA 17.1) shall be opened in accordance with the procedures specified in the ISDS.
The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Applications to include, as a minimum, the name of the Applicants. A copy of the record shall be distributed to all Applicants.
E. Procedures for Evaluation of Applications
20. Confidentiality Information relating to the Applications, their evaluation and results of the Initial Selection shall not be disclosed to Applicants or any other persons not officially concerned with the Initial Selection process until the notification of Initial Selection results is made to all Applicants in accordance with ITA 28.
From the deadline for submission of Applications to the time of notification of the results of the Initial Selection in accordance with ITA 28, any Applicant that wishes to contact the Employer on any matter related to the Initial Selection process may do so only in writing.
21. Clarification of Applications To assist in the evaluation of Applications, the Employer may, at its discretion, ask an Applicant for a clarification (including missing documents) of its Application, to be submitted within a stated reasonable period of time. Any request for clarification from the Employer and all clarifications from the Applicant shall be in writing.
If an Applicant does not provide clarifications and/or documents requested by the date and time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its Application shall be evaluated based on the information and documents available at the time of evaluation of the Application.
22. Responsiveness of Applications The Employer may reject any Application which is not responsive to the requirements of the Initial Selection Documents. In case the information furnished by the Applicant is incomplete or otherwise requires clarification as per ITA 21.1, and the Applicant fails to provide satisfactory clarification and/or missing information, it may result in disqualification of the Applicant.
23. Margin of Preference Margin of preference for domestic bidders shall not apply in the bidding process resulting from this initial selection.
24. Subcontractors Unless otherwise stated in the ISDS, the Employer does not intend to execute any specific elements of the Works by subcontractors selected in advance by the Employer (so-called "Nominated Subcontractors").
A "specialized subcontractor" is a subcontractor hired for specialized work as defined by the Employer in Section III 4.2 - Experience. If no specialized work is specified by the Employer as such, subcontractors experience shall not be considered for Applications evaluation.
The Employer may decide to permit subcontracting for certain specialized works as indicated in Section III 4.2 - Experience. When such subcontracting is permitted by the Employer, the specialized subcontractors experience shall be considered for the evaluation. Section III, Initial Selection Criteria, describes the qualification criteria for subcontractors.
The Applicant shall not propose to subcontract the whole of the contract.
F. Evaluation of Applications and Initial Selection of Applicants
25. Evaluation of Applications The Employer shall use the factors, methods, criteria, and requirements defined in Section III, Initial Selection Criteria to evaluate the qualifications of the Applicants, and no other factors, methods, criteria, or requirements shall be used. The Employer reserves the right to waive minor deviations from the qualification criteria if they do not materially affect the technical capability and financial resources of an Applicant to perform the Contract.
Only the qualifications of the Applicant shall be considered. In particular, the qualifications of a parent or other affiliated company that is not party to the Applicant under a JV in accordance with ITA 4.2 shall not be considered.
26. Employer's Right to Reject All Applications The Employer reserves the right to annul the Initial Selection process and reject all Applications at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the Applicants.
27. Initial Selection of Applicants The range of Applicants that the Employer may Initially Select (6 = maximum number) is specified in the ISDS.
Initial Selection of Applicants involves several steps, as follows:
1. Step 1 - Table 1 Evaluation: The first step of Initial Selection involves evaluation against the methods, criteria and requirements described in Section III, Table 1: Qualification Criteria;
2. Step 2 - Rejection: Applicants that do not meet any of the qualification criteria and requirements in Table 1: Qualification Criteria will not be evaluated further, and will be eliminated from the Initial Selection process;
3. Step 3 - Long List: Applicants that meet any of the qualification criteria and requirements in Table 1: Qualification Criteria will be long listed, and evaluated further;
4. Step 4: Depending on the number of Applicants that are long listed, one of the following options will apply:
Option 1: All are Initially Selected: Where the number of long listed Applicants is ≤ 6, all long listed Applicants are Initially Selected. In this scenario, there is no requirement to evaluate these long listed Applicants against Table 2: Rated Criteria. Therefore, Steps 5 to 7 shall not apply;
Option 2: Applicants are evaluated using Table 2 Evaluation: Where the number of long listed Applicants is ˃ 6, the Employer shall evaluate all long listed Applicants against Table 2: Rated Criteria. This evaluation method involves scoring each Application against rated criteria using the scoring methodology described;
5. Step 5 - Rank Applicants: The total scores, from this step of the Initial Selection evaluation, for each long listed Applicant are compared, and the Applicants are ranked from the highest to the lowest total score;
6. Step 6 - Initial Selection up to 6: In accordance with the value selected by the Employer for 6, the Employer Initially Selects the Applicants that are ranked from the highest score, to the Application ranked as 6;
7. Step 7 - Reject 6+1 Applicants: Where the number of long listed Applicants is ˃ 6, the Employer rejects all Applicants that are ranked greater than 6, i.e. ranked as 6+1, 6+2, 6+3, etc.
28. Notification of Initial Selection The Employer shall notify all Initially Selected Applicants in writing that they have been Initially Selected. In providing this notification the Employer shall include the names of all Applicants that have been Initially Selected.
The Employer shall separately notify all other Applicants that they have not been Initially Selected, and that they have been eliminated from the process. Any Applicant that has been eliminated from the process at this stage may request, in writing, the grounds on which they were eliminated.
29. Invitation for Bids Promptly after the notification of the results of the Initial Selection, the Employer shall invite Bids from all the Applicants that have been initially selected.
Bidders may be required to provide a Bid Security or a Bid Securing Declaration acceptable to the Employer in the form and an amount to be specified in the Bidding Documents, and the successful Bidder shall be required to provide a Performance Security as specified in the Bidding Documents.
30. Changes in Qualifications of Applicants Any change in the structure or formation of an Applicant after being initially selected in accordance with ITA 27 and invited to bid (including, in the case of a JV, any change in the structure or formation of any member and also including any change in any specialized subcontractor) shall be subject to the written approval of the Employer prior to the deadline for submission of Bids. Such approval shall be denied if (i) ) as a consequence of the change, the Applicant no longer meets any of the qualification criteria set forth in Section III, Initial Selection Criteria, Table 1 - Qualification Criteria; or (ii) in the opinion of the Employer, the change may result in a substantial reduction in competition; or (iii) an initially selected applicant proposes to associate with a disqualified applicant or in case of a disqualified joint venture, any of its members; or (iv) no longer continues to be in the list of Initially Selected Applicants as a result of the Employer’s re-evaluation of the Application in accordance with ITA 27. Any such change should be submitted to the Employer not later than fourteen (14) days after the date of the Invitation for Bids.

Section II – Initial Selection Data Sheet (ISDS)

1. Introduction
ITA 1.1 The identification of the Invitation for Initial Selection is: NAPTIN/AFD/C2/001/2022
The Employer is: National Power Training Institute of Nigeria

PIU OFFICE, Room 23, 3rd Floor
NAPTIN Corporate Headquarters,
Plot 21, Cadastral Zone, Idu Industrial Layout, By Sewage Treatment Plant,
Abuja, Nigeria.
+234 706 877 8458

The identification number of the IPC is: NAPTIN/AFD/DB/001/2022
The Invitation for Initial Selection aims to select Applicants for a Design & Build Contract.

ITA 2.1 The name of the Project is: Design Build of a HV Substation and MV/LV Pole Yard at NAPTIN HQ Abuja
ITA 4.1 Maximum number of members in the JV shall be: not limited
Contents of the Initial Selection Documents
ITA 7.1 For clarification purposes only, the Employer's address is:
PIU OFFICE, Room 23, 3rd Floor
NAPTIN Corporate Headquarters,
Plot 21, Cadastral Zone, Idu Industrial Layout, By Sewage Treatment Plant,
Abuja, Nigeria.
+234 706 877 8458

ITA 7.1 & 8.2 Web page:

Preparation of Applications
ITA 10.1 The Application as well as all correspondence shall be submitted in English.
Language for translation of supporting documents and printed literature is English.
ITA 11.1(d) The Applicant shall submit with its Application, the following additional documents:
Company Registration – for each member of a JV
3 years Audited Balance sheet – for each member of a JV
Application Submission Form
Statement of Integrity, Eligibility, Environmental and Social Responsibility
All forms and certificates as listed in section III- Initial Selection Criteria
ITA 14.2 The source for determining exchange rates is: Central bank of Nigeria

ITA 15.2 In addition to the original, the number of copies to be submitted with the Application is: three (3) paper copies and one (1) digital copy (flashdrive).
Submission of Applications
ITA 17.1 The deadline for Application submission is:
Date: Monday, 4th April 2022
Time: 12:00 WAT
Applicants shall not have the option of submitting their Applications electronically.
For application submission purposes only, the Employer's address is:
Employer’s address is the same as that indicated in ITA 1.1

ITA 19.1 The opening of the Applications shall be at:
Date: Monday, 4th April 2022
Time: 12:00 WAT
Address: NAPTIN Corporate Headquarters,
Plot 21, Cadastral Zone, Idu Industrial Layout, By Sewage Treatment Plant,
Abuja, Nigeria.

ITA 19.2 NA
Procedures for Evaluation of Applications
ITA 24.1 At this time the Employer does not intend to execute certain specific parts of the contract by subcontractors selected in advance by the Employer.

Evaluation of Applications and Initial Selection of Applicants
ITA 27.1 Initial Selection – maximum number (6)
The Employer intends to initially select the following maximum number of Applications: Six (6). This number is the maximum number to be initially selected.

Section III – Initial Selection Criteria

This Section contains all the methods, criteria, and requirements that the Employer shall use to evaluate Applications. The information to be provided in relation to each requirement and the definitions of the corresponding terms are included in the respective Application Forms.

Table of Contents Page

Table 1 - Qualification Criteria 21
Eligibility 21
Historical Contract Non-Performance 22
Financial situation and Performance 23
Experience 25
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) 26
Security 28
Table 2 – Rated Criteria 29
1. Contracts for Design and Build 29
2. Contract Management Capability 29

Table 1 - Qualification Criteria

Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
1.1 Nationality Nationality in accordance with ITA 4.3 Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Forms ELI 1.1 and ELI 1.2, with attachments
1.2 Conflict of Interest No conflicts of interest in accordance with ITA 4.4 Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Application Submission Form
1.3 AFD Eligibility Not being ineligible to AFD financing, as described in ITB 4.3 Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Statement of Integrity and Environmental and Social Responsibility
1.4 State Owned Entity Meet conditions of ITB 4.3 Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Forms ELI 1.1 and ELI 1.2, with attachments

Historical Contract Non-Performance
Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
2.1 History of Non Performing Contracts Termination of a contract did not occur as a result of contractor's default in the past five (5) years. Must meet requirements Must meet requirements Must meet requirements N/A Form CON 2
2.2 Suspension Based on Execution of Bid Securing Declaration by the Employer Not under suspension based on execution of a Bid Securing Declaration pursuant to ITA 4.5. Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Application Submission Form
2.3 Pending Litigating All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than one hundred percent (100%) of the Applicant’s net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Applicant. Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement N/A Form CON 2

Financial situation and Performance
Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
3.1 Financial Capabilities 1. The Applicant shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means (independent of any contractual advance payment) sufficient to meet the cash flow requirements estimated as US$ 500,000 for the subject contract(s) net of the Applicants other commitments; Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A N/A Forms FIN 3.1, with attachments and FIN 3.3
2. The Applicant shall also demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Employer, that it has adequate sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements on contracts currently in progress and for future contract commitments; Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A N/A Forms FIN 3.1 and FIN 3.4
3. The audited balance sheets or, if not required by the laws of the Applicant’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last three (3) years shall be submitted and demonstrate the current soundness of the Applicant’s financial position. The Applicant's financial position will be deemed sound if at least two (2) of the following four (4) criteria are met:
1. Average earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) for the last three (3) years > US$ 1,000,000;
2. Average equity for the last three (3) years > 1,000,000;
3. Average liquidity ratio for the last three (3) years > 1
((Current assets) / (Current liabilities) > 1);
4. Average indebtedness ratio for the last three (3) years < 6
((Total financial liabilities) / (EBITDA) < 6). Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Form FIN 3.1, with attachments
3.2 Minimum Average Annual Turnover
Minimum average annual turnover of US$ Five million US dollars (US$ 5,000,000 for the last 5 years. Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet tenty five per cent (25%)of the requirement Must meet forty per cent (40%) of the requirement Form FIN 3.2

Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
4.1 General Experience Experience in the role of prime contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for at least the last 5 years , starting 1st January 2015. Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement N/A Form EXP 4.1
4.2 Specific Experience A minimum number of 5 similar contracts specified below that have been satisfactorily and substantially completed as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor or subcontractor between 1st January 2010 and application submission deadline:
Contracts for Works: Design and Build
This requirement may be complemented by a minimum experience of design and a minimum experience of construction contracts, each of minimum value of US$ 1,000,000. Each of the contracts required above shall meet the following minimum key requirements: Based on Section VII, the Scope of Employer’s Requirements regarding the design and build of a Training Substation and Training Pole yard. Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Form EXP 4.2

Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
5.1 ESHS Certification(s) Availability of a valid ISO certification or internationally recognized equivalent (equivalency to be demonstrated by Applicant), and applicable to the worksite:
Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement
1. Quality management certificate ISO 9001 * Form CER
2. Environmental management certificate ISO 14001 * Form CER
3. Health & safety management certificate OHSAS 18001 / ISO45001 * Form CER
5.2 ESHS Documentation Availability of in house policies and procedures acceptable to the Employer for ESHS management:
1. Existence of an Ethics Charter.
2. Existence of a system for monitoring compliance with ESHS commitments for the Candidate's Subcontractors and all its partners.
3. Existence of official company procedures for the management of the following relevant points:
1. ESHS resources & facilities and ESHS monitoring organization;
2. Health & Safety on worksites;
3. Wastewater (effluents);
4. Protection of water resources;
5. Waste management;
6. Erosion & sedimentation; Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement 1. The ESHS Ethics Charter of the company or equivalent must be provided.
2. A procedure or information on how the Bidder ensures that all members of the Joint Venture, Subcontractors, suppliers and temporary labor (i) are aware and (ii) meet ESHS requirements must be provided.
3. Official internal procedure documents on the topics indicated must be provided.
5.3 ESHS Experience Experience of 2 construction contracts over the last 5 years, where major ESHS measures were carried out or are on progress satisfactorily and in compliance with international standards. Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Form EXP ESHS with supporting documents (the Applicant shall submit a piece of evidence supporting the ESHS implementation measures)
5.5 ESHS Dedicated Personnel Availability of in-house personnel dedicated to ESHS issues: Environmental Health & Safety Manager. Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Organizational chart evidencing filled ESHS position(s)

Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
6.1 Specific experience in areas with security risks Experience of two (2) contracts involving a presence in the country and completed within the last ten (10) years in an area with a similar security risk requiring the implementation of a security plan Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement Leader must meet requirement Form EXP 4.2(b): for each experience listed, the security plan, as well as proof of the implementation of security measures must be provided *
6.2 Security documentation Having internal security management procedures and systems for business trips and on worksites Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement Leader must meet requirement Supply of the following documents acceptable to the Employer:
1. Description of the monitoring and alert system
2. Crisis management procedure
6.3 Repatriation Subscription to an emergency repatriation assistance contract Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement Leader must meet requirement Furnish a certificate from the company that will provide repatriation services
6.4 Security preparation Existence and implementation of procedures and tools for preparing employees likely to work or who are working in areas with security risks Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement Leader must meet requirement Procedures and preparation tools provided at the time of departure with proof of implementation (proof of awareness-raising or training actions carried out)
6.5 Dedicated security personnel Availability of personnel dedicated to security issues: security officer or equivalent with a minimum of two (2) years of relevant experience within the last seven (7) years Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Organisational chart highlighting a filled position dedicated to security and the security officer’s CV

Table 2 – Rated Criteria

Only applications that meet all of the qualification criteria in Table 1 are to be assessed against Table 2, Rated Criteria
Criteria Scoring Documentation
Requirements Maximum Score Remark Submission Requirements
1. Contracts for Design and Build
Number of Similar Contracts
Number of satisfactorily and substantially completed Design and Build contracts that exceed the number specified in Table 1, criterion 4.2 (where this number is N) that are:
1. similar to the Requirements (Table 1, criterion 4.2); and
2. completed during the past 5 years.
Scoring methodology:
Number of contracts
Number of satisfactorily and substantially completed similar contracts 5+ contracts
4 Contracts
3 contracts 2 contracts 1
contract 0 contracts
Weighting 70 60 50 40 30 0
NB: The Applicant shall limit the number of submitted similar contracts references to ten (10) in its Application.
70 In case of JV, all members combined will be evaluated. Form EXP-4.2
2. Contract Management Capability
Contract management capability demonstrated in the following key areas:] In case of JV, the capability of the lead member will be evaluated Form CMC
1. Description of project management systems and how they will be applied (including status of accreditation with recognized international standards applicable to the industry) 10
2. Understanding of Employer's Requirements (approach to the contract, preliminary timeline/delivery schedule, risk identification), and 15
3. Use of value Engineering, innovation and continuous improvement. 5
TOTAL 1 + 2

(*): For a DB Contract, the aggregate maximum score for (TOTAL 1 + 2) should be 100. 
Section IV – Application Forms

Table of Forms Page

1. Administrative Forms 31
Application Submission Form 31
Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Environmental and Social Responsibility 33
Form ELI–1.1: Applicant Information Form 37
Form ELI–1.2: Applicant's JV Information Form 39
2. Qualification Forms 41
Form CON 2: Historical Contract Non-Performance, Pending Litigation and Litigation History 41
Form FIN–3.1: Financial Situation and Performance 43
Form FIN–3.2: Annual Turnover 45
Form FIN–3.3: Financial Resources 46
Form FIN–3.4: Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress 47
Form EXP–4.1: General Experience 48
Form EXP–4.2: Specific Experience 49
Form EXP–4.2 (cont.): Specific Experience (cont.) 50
Form CMC: Contract Management Capability 51
Form CER: Quality Management / Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Certification 52
Form EXP–ESHS: Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Experience 53

1. Administrative Forms

Application Submission Form

Date: [insert day, month, and year]
IPC No. and Title: [insert IPC number and title]

To: [insert full name of Employer]

We, the undersigned, apply to be initially selected for the referenced IPC and declare that:
1. We have examined and have no reservations to the Initial Selection Documents, including Addendum(s) No(s). [insert the number and issuing date of each addendum], issued in accordance with Instructions to Applicants (ITA 8°);
2. We have no conflict of interest in accordance with ITA 4.4;
3. We have not been suspended nor declared ineligible by the Employer based on execution of a Bid Securing Declaration in the Employer’s country in accordance with ITA 4.5;
4. We understand that you reserve the right to annul the initial selection process and reject all Applications at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the Applicants.

Signed [insert signature(s) of an authorized representative(s) of the Applicant]

[insert full name of person signing the Application]
In the capacity of:
[insert capacity of person signing the Application]
Duly authorized to sign the Application for and on behalf of:
Applicant’s Name:
[insert full name of Applicant or the name of the JV]
[insert street number/town or city/country address]

Dated on: __________ [insert day number] day of _________ [insert month], _________ [insert year]

[For a joint venture, either all members shall sign or only the authorized representative, in which case the power of attorney to sign on behalf of all members shall be attached. In case of a letter of intent to form a joint venture, it shall be attached and all members shall sign it.]

Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Environmental and Social Responsibility

Reference of the bid or proposal (the "Contract")
To: (the "Contracting Authority")

1. We recognise and accept that Agence Française de Développement ("AFD") only finances projects of the Contracting Authority subject to its own conditions which are set out in the Financing Agreement which benefits directly or indirectly to the Contracting Authority. As a matter of consequence, no legal relationship exists between AFD and our company, our joint venture or our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants. Th e Contracting Authority retains exclusive responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the procurement process and performance of the Contract. The Contracting Authority means the Purchaser, the Employer, the Client, as the case may be, for the procurement of goods, works, plants, consulting services or non-consulting services.
2. We hereby certify that neither we nor any other member of our joint venture or any of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants are in any of the following situations:
2.1 Being bankrupt, wound up or ceasing our activities, having our activities administered by the courts, having entered into receivership, reorganisation or being in any analogous situation arising from any similar procedure;
2.2 Having been:
1. convicted, within the past five years by a court decision, which has the force of res judicata in the country where the Contract is implemented, of fraud, corruption or of any other offense committed during a procurement process or performance of a contract (in the event of such conviction, you may attach to this Statement of Integrity supporting information showing that this conviction is not relevant in the context of this Contract);
2. subject to an administrative sanction within the past five years by the European Union or by the competent authorities of the country where we are constituted, for fraud, corruption or for any other offense committed during a procurement process or performance of a contract (in the event of such sanction, you may attach to this Statement of Integrity supporting information showing that this sanction is not relevant in the context of this Contract);
3. convicted, within the past five years by a court decision, which has the force of res judicata, of fraud, corruption or of any other offense committed during the procurement process or performance of an AFD-financed contract;
2.3 Being listed for financial sanctions by the United Nations, the European Union and/or France for the purposes of fight-against-terrorist financing or threat to international peace and security;
2.4 Having been subject within the past five years to a contract termination fully settled against us for significant or persistent failure to comply with our contractual obligations during contract performance, unless this termination was challenged and dispute resolution is still pending or has not confirmed a full settlement against us;
2.5 Not having fulfilled our fiscal obligations regarding payments of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of either the country where we are constituted or the Contracting Authority's country;
2.6 Being subject to an exclusion decision of the World Bank and being listed on the website (in the event of such exclusion, you may attach to this Statement of Integrity supporting information showing that this exclusion is not relevant in the context of this Contract);

2.7 Having created false documents or committed misrepresentation in documentation requested by the Contracting Authority as part of the procurement process of this Contract.
3. We hereby certify that neither we, nor any of the members of our joint venture or any of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants are in any of the following situations of conflict of interest:
3.1 Being an affiliate controlled by the Contracting Authority or a shareholder controlling the Contracting Authority, unless the stemming conflict of interest has been brought to the attention of AFD and resolved to its satisfaction;
3.2 Having a business or family relationship with a Contracting Authority's staff involved in the procurement process or the supervision of the resulting Contract, unless the stemming conflict of interest has been brought to the attention of AFD and resolved to its satisfaction;
3.3 Being controlled by or controlling another bidder or consultant, or being under common control with another bidder or consultant, or receiving from or granting subsidies directly or indirectly to another bidder or consultant, having the same legal representative as another bidder or consultant, maintaining direct or indirect contacts with another bidder or consultant which allows us to have or give access to information contained in the respective applications, bids or proposals, influencing them or influencing decisions of the Contracting Authority;
3.4 Being engaged in a consulting services activity, which, by its nature, may be in conflict with the assignments that we would carry out for the Contracting Authority;
3.5 In the case of procurement of goods, works or plants:
1. Having prepared or having been associated with a consultant who prepared specifications, drawings, calculations and other documentation to be used in the procurement process of this Contract;
2. Having been recruited (or being proposed to be recruited) ourselves or any of our affiliates, to carry out works supervision or inspection for this Contract.
4. If we are a state-owned entity, and to compete in a procurement process, we certify that we have legal and financial autonomy and that we operate under commercial laws and regulations.
5. We undertake to bring to the attention of the Contracting Authority, which will inform AFD, any change in situation with regard to points 2 to 4 here above.
6. In the context of the procurement process and performance of the corresponding Contract:
6.1 We have not and we will not engage in any dishonest conduct (act or omission) deliberately indented to deceive others, to intentionally conceal items, to violate or vitiate someone's consent, to make them circumvent legal or regulatory requirements and/or to violate their internal rules in order to obtain illegitimate profit;
6.2 We have not and we will not engage in any dishonest conduct (act or omission) contrary to our legal or regulatory obligations or our internal rules in order to obtain illegitimate profit;
6.3 We have not promised, offered or given and we will not promise, offer or give, directly or indirectly to (i) any Person who holds a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial mandate within the State of the Contracting Authority regardless of whether that Person was nominated or elected, regardless of the permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid nature of the position and regardless of the hierarchical level the Person occupies, (ii) any other Person who performs a public function, including for a State institution or a State owned company, or who provides a public service, or (iii) any other person defined as a Public Officer by the national laws of the Contracting Authority’s country, an undue advantage of any kind, for himself or for another Person or entity, for such Public Officer to act or refrain from acting in his official capacity;
6.4 We have not promised, offered or given and we will not promise, offer or give, directly or indirectly to any Person who occupies an executive position in a private sector entity or works for such an entity, regardless of the nature of his/her capacity, any undue advantage of any kind, for himself or another Person or entity for such Person to perform or refrain from performing any act in breach of its legal, contractual or professional obligations;
6.5 We have not and we will not engage in any practice likely to influence the contract award process to the detriment of the Contracting Authority and, in particular, in any anti competitive practice having for object or for effect to prevent, restrict or distort competition, namely by limiting access to the market or the free exercise of competition by other undertakings;
6.6 Neither we nor any of the members of our joint venture or any of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants shall acquire or supply any equipment nor operate in any sectors under an embargo of the United Nations, the European Union or France;
6.7 We commit ourselves to comply with and ensure that all of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants comply with international environmental and labour standards, consistent with laws and regulations applicable in the country of implementation of the Contract, including the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and international environmental treaties. Moreover, we shall implement environmental and social risks mitigation measures when specified in the environmental and social commitment plan (ESCP) provided by the Contracting Authority.
7. We, as well as members of our joint venture and our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants authorise AFD to inspect accounts, records and other documents relating to the procurement process and performance of the Contract and to have them audited by auditors appointed by AFD.

Name: In the capacity of:
Duly empowered to sign in the name and on behalf of :

Form ELI–1.1:
Applicant Information Form

Date: [Insert day, month, year]
IPC No. and title: [Insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert number] of [insert total number] pages

Applicant's name:
[insert full name]
In case of Joint Venture (JV), name of each member:
[insert full name of each member in JV]
In case of a JV, Applicant's actual or intended country of Constitution:
[indicate country of Constitution]
Applicant's actual or intended year of Constitution:
[indicate year of Constitution]
Applicant's legal address (in country of Constitution):
[insert street / number / town or city / country]
Applicant's authorized representative information:
[insert full name]
[insert street / number / town or city / country]
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city codes]
Email address:
[indicate email address]
1. Attached are copies of original documents of:
1. Articles of Constitution (or equivalent documents of association) of the legal entity named above;
2. In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV or JV agreement, in accordance with ITA 4.1;
3. In case of State-owned enterprise or institution, in accordance with ITA 4.3, documents establishing:
1. Legal and financial autonomy
2. Operation under commercial law
3. That the Applicant is not a dependent agency of the Employer
4. Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial ownership.

Form ELI–1.2:
Applicant's JV Information Form

[The following table shall be filled by each member of a Joint Venture and, if applicable, by any specialized subcontractor, and in that case substitute "Applicant's JV member" for "Specialized Subcontractor".]

Date: [Insert day, month, year]
IPC No. and title: [Insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Applicant name:
[insert full name]
Applicant's JV member's name:
[insert full name Applicant's JV Member]
Applicant's JV member's country of Constitution:
[indicate country of Constitution]
Applicant's JV member's year of Constitution:
[indicate year of Constitution]
Applicant's JV member's legal address (in country of Constitution):
[insert street / number / town or city / country]
Applicant's JV member's authorized representative information:
[insert full name]
[insert street / number / town or city / country]
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city codes]
Email address:
[indicate email address]
1. Attached are copies of original documents of:
1. Articles of Constitution (or equivalent documents of association) of the legal entity named above;
2. In case of a state-owned enterprise or institution, in accordance with ITA 4.3,documents establishing:
1. Legal and financial autonomy
2. Operation in accordance with commercial law
3. That the Applicant is not a dependent agency of the Employer
3. Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial ownership.

2. Qualification Forms

Form CON 2:
Historical Contract Non-Performance, Pending Litigation and Litigation History

[The following table shall be filled in by the Applicant and each member of a Joint Venture]

Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]
IPC No. and title: [insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Non-Performed Contracts in accordance with Section III Initial Selection Criteria
1. Contract non-performance did not occur since 1st January [insert current year number less 5] specified in Section III Initial Selection Criteria, criterion 2.1.
2. Contract(s) not performed since 1st January [insert current year number less 5] specified in Section III Initial Selection Criteria, criterion 2.1, as indicated below:
Year Non performed portion of contract Contract Identification Total Contract Amount (current value, currency, exchange rate and US$ equivalent)
[insert year] [insert amount and percentage] Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract name/ number, and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert street / number / city of town / country]
Reason(s) for non performance: [indicate main reason(s)] [insert amount]

Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section III Initial Selection Criteria
1. No pending litigation in accordance with Section III Initial Selection Criteria, criterion 2.3
2. Pending litigation in accordance with Section III Initial Selection Criteria, criterion 2.3, as indicated below:
Year of dispute Amount in dispute (currency) Contract Identification Total Contract Amount (currency), USD Equivalent (exchange rate)
[insert year] [insert amount] Contract Identification: [Indicate complete contract name, number, and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [Insert full name]
Address of Employer: [Insert street / number / city of town / country]
Matter in dispute: [Indicate main issues in dispute]
Party who initiated the dispute: [Indicate "Employer" or "Contractor"]
Status of dispute: [Indicate if it is being treated by the Adjudicator, under Arbitration or being dealt with by the Judiciary, specify "pending" or "settled"] [insert amount]
[insert year] [insert amount] … [insert amount]
… … … …

Form FIN–3.1:
Financial Situation and Performance
[The following table shall be filled in by the Applicant and each member of a Joint Venture.]
Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]
IPC No. and title: [insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages
1. Financial data
Type of Financial information in
[indicate currency] Historic information for previous [insert number, in figure and in words] years
(amount in [indicate currency, exchange rate, US$ equivalent])
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Statement of financial position (information from balance sheet)
Total assets (TA)
Total financial liabilities
Total equity/Net worth (NW)
Current assets
Current liabilities
Working capital (WC)
Information from income statement
Total revenue
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)
Earnings before taxes (EBT)
Cash flow information
Cash flow from operating activities

2. Financial documents
The Applicant and in case of a JV, each member shall provide copies of financial statements for 3 years pursuant to Section III - Initial Selection Criteria, criterion 3.1. The financial statements shall:
1. Reflect the financial situation of the Applicant or in case of a JV, each member, and not an affiliated entity (such as parent company or subsidiary);
2. Be independently audited or certified in accordance with local legislation;
3. Be complete, including all notes to the financial statements;
4. Correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited.
5. Attached are copies of financial statements for the 3 years required above and complying with the requirements

Form FIN–3.2:
Annual Turnover

[The following table shall be filled in by the Applicant and each member of a Joint Venture]

Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]
IPC No. and title: [insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Year Annual turnover data
Amount and currency Exchange rate US$ equivalent
[Indicate calendar yeat] [insert amount and indicate currency] [insert exchange rates used to calculate the US$ equivalent] [insert US$ equivalent]

Average Annual Turnover

Form FIN–3.3:
Financial Resources

[The following table shall be filled in by the Applicant and all parties combined in case of a Joint Venture]
Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction cash flow demands of the subject contract as specified in Section III, Initial Selection Criteria.

Financial Resources
No. Source of financing Amount (US$ equivalent)



Form FIN–3.4:
Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress

Applicants and each member of a JV should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full Completion Certificate has yet to be issued.

Current Contract Commitments
No. Name of Contract Employer's Contact Address, Telephone and Fax Value of Outstanding Work
(Current US$ Equivalent) Estimated Completion Date Average Monthly Invoicing Over Last Six Months

Form EXP–4.1:
General Experience

[The following table shall be filled in by the Applicant and each member of a Joint Venture]

Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]
IPC No. and title: [insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

[Pursuant to Section III, Initial Selection Criteria, criterion 4.1, list contracts over the past [number] years, chronologically, according to their commencement (starting) dates.]

Starting Year Ending Year Contract Identification Role of Applicant
[Indicate year]
__________ [Indicate year]
__________ Contract name: [insert full name]
Brief Description of the contracts performed by the Applicant: [describe contracts performed briefly]
Amount of contract: [insert amount in currency, mention currency used, exchange rate and US$ equivalent]
Name of Employer: [indicate full name]
Address: [indicate street/number/town or city/country] [insert "Prime Contractor” or "JV Member" or "Subcontractor" or "Management Contractor"]
… … … …

Form EXP–4.2:
Specific Experience
[The following table shall be filled in for contracts performed by the Applicant and each member of a Joint Venture and specialized subcontractor if any]
Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]
Subcontractor's Name (as per ITA 24.3): [insert full name]
IPC No. and title: [insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Similar Contract No: [insert number] of [insert number of similar contracts required] Information
Contract Identification:
[Insert contract name and number, if applicable]
Award Date:
[Insert day, month, year, i.e. 15 June, 2015]
Completion Date:
[Insert day, month, year, i.e. 03 October, 2017]
Role in Contract:
[check the appropriate box] 
Prime Contractor 
Member in JV 
Management Contractor 
Total Contract Amount: [Insert total contract amount in local currency] US$ [Insert Exchange rate and total contract amount in US$ equivalent]
If member is a JV or subcontractor, specify participation in total Contract amount: [Insert a percentage amount] [Insert total contract amount in local currency] [Insert exchange rate and total contract amount in US$ equivalent]
Employer's Name:
[Insert full name]
[Indicate street / number / town or city / country]
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[Insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city area codes]
[Insert email address, if available]

Form EXP–4.2 (cont.):
Specific Experience (cont.)

Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]

Similar Contract No: [insert number] of [insert number of similar contracts required] Information
Description of the similarity in accordance with criterion 4.2 of Section III Initial Selection Criteria
1. Amount
[insert amount in local currency, exchange rate, US$ in letters and numbers]
2. Physical size
[Insert physical size of contract]
3. Compliance with key minimum requirements
[Describe how the contract meets the key minimum requirements listed in Table 1, criterion 4.2]
4. Other Characteristics
[Insert other characteristics, as described in Section VII, Scope of Employer's Requirements]

Form CMC:
Contract Management Capability

[The Applicant shall demonstrate Contract Management Capabilities in accordance with Table 2]

1. Description of project management system/s and how they will be applied (including status of accreditation with recognized international standards applicable to the industry)(*)
2. Understanding of Employer's Requirements(*) (approach to the contract, preliminary timeline, risk identification), and
3. Use of value Engineering, innovation and continuous improvement(*).

(*): The total number of pages submitted should not exceed five (5) pages.

Form CER:
Quality Management / Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Certification
Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]
IPC No. and title: [insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Certification [Quality / Environmental / Health and Security]
[Delete as appropriate]
Identification of the certificate:
[Insert full name of the certificate]
Date of Issue:
[Insert day, month, year]
Areas covered by the certificate
[Insert activities and locations]
Expiry Date:
[Insert day, month, year]
Issuer's Name:
[Insert full name]
[Insert street / number / town or city / country]
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[Insert phone/fax numbers, including country and city area codes]
[Insert email address, if available]
Compliance with international standards: The certificate is [ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001] [select as appropriate]
 Yes /  No
If no, proof of conformity with ISO standards by the Applicant: The applicant shall provide a conformity assessment of its certificate by an internationally recognized Accredited Certification Body.

The Applicant shall fill this Form for each Certification required under criterion 5.1 of Section III Initial Selection Criteria

Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Experience

Applicant’s Name: [insert full name]
Date: [insert day, month, year]
JV Member’s Name: [insert full name]
IPC No. and title: [insert IPC number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Similar Contract No. [insert specific number] of [total number of contracts] required Information
Contract Identification:
[Insert contract name and number, if applicable]
Short Project Description (main scope and key values of project):

[Insert short project description]
Award Date:
[Insert day, month, year]
Completion Date:
[Insert day, month, year]
Role in contract:
[Check the appropriate box] 
Prime Contractor 
Member in JV 
Management Contractor 
Total Contract Amount:
[Insert total contract amount in local currency] _________________
[Insert total contract amount in US$ equivalent]
If party in a JV or Subcontractor, specify participation of Total Contract Amount ____________ %
[Insert a percentage amount] _____________
[Insert total contract amount in local currency] _________________
[Insert total contract amount in US$ equivalent]
Employer's Name
[Insert full name]

[Insert street / number / town or city / country]
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[Insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city area codes]
[Insert email address, if available]
Description of the ESHS challenges and measures implemented under the contract:
1. ESHS Challenge [Insert description]
2. ESHS Risk Assessment Level [Insert classification of risk assessment as per development bank classification if applicable]
3. ESHS implemented measures (as per criterion 5.3 of Section III Initial Selection Criteria) [Provide a document supporting the implementation of ESHS measures, acceptable to the Employer ]
4. ESHS Knowhow Transfer or ESHS Local Staff Capacity Building (as per criterion 5.4, if any, of Section III Initial Selection Criteria) [Provide evidence of successful :
1. ESHS knowhow transfer to local partners or subcontractors; or
2. ESHS capacity building to local staff under the contract.]

Section V – Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility in AFD Financed Procurement

1. Financing allocated by AFD to a Contracting Authority has been entirely untied since 1st January 2002. To the exception of any equipment or any sector which is subject to an embargo by the United Nations, the European Union or France, all goods, works, plants, consulting services and non-consulting services are eligible for AFD financing regardless of the country of origin of the supplier, contractor, subcontractor, consultant or subconsultant inputs or resources used in the implementation processes. The Contracting Authority means the Purchaser, the Employer, the Client, as the case may be, for the procurement of goods, works, plants, consulting services or non-consulting services.
2. Natural or legal Persons (including all members of a joint venture or any of their suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants) shall not be awarded an AFD financed contract if, on the date of submission of an application, a bid or a proposal, or on the date of award of a contract, they:
2.1 Are bankrupt or being wound up or ceasing their activities, are having their activities administered by the courts, have entered into receivership, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure;
2.2 Have been:
1. convicted, within the past five years by a court decision, which has the force of res judicata in the country where the contract is implemented, of fraud, corruption or of any other offense committed during a procurement process or performance of a contract, unless they provide supporting information together with their Statement of Integrity (Form available as Appendix to the Application, Bid or Proposal Submission Form) which shows that this conviction is not relevant in the context of the Contract;
2. subject to an administrative sanction within the past five years by the European Union or by the competent authorities of the country where they are constituted, for fraud, corruption or for any other offense committed during a procurement process or performance of a contract, unless they provide supporting information together with their Statement of Integrity (Form available as Appendix to the Application, Bid or Proposal Submission Form) which shows that this sanction is not relevant in the context of the Contract;
3. convicted, within the past five years by a court decision, which has the force of res judicata, of fraud, corruption or of any other offense committed during the procurement process or performance of an AFD financed contract;
2.3 Are listed for financial sanctions by the United Nations, the European Union and/or France for the purposes of fight-against-terrorist financing or threat to international peace and security;
2.4 Have been subject within the past five years to a contract termination fully settled against them for significant or persistent failure to comply with their contractual obligations during contract performance, unless this termination was challenged and dispute resolution is still pending or has not confirmed a full settlement against them;
2.5 Have not fulfilled their fiscal obligations regarding payments of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of either the country where they are constituted or the Contracting Authority's country;
2.6 Are subject to an exclusion decision of the World Bank and are listed on the website, unless they provide supporting information together with their Statement of Integrity (Form available as Appendix to the Application, Bid or Proposal Submission Form) which shows that this exclusion is not relevant in the context of the Contract;
2.7 Have created false documents or committed misrepresentation in documentation requested by the Contracting Authority as part of the procurement process of the Contract.
3. State-owned entities may compete only if they can establish that they (i) are legally and financially autonomous, and (ii) operate under commercial law. To be eligible, a state-owned entity shall establish to AFD’s satisfaction, through all relevant documents, including its Charter and other information AFD may request, that it: (i) is a legal entity separate from their state (ii) does not currently receive substantial subsidies or budget support; (iii) operates like any commercial enterprise, and, inter alia, is not obliged to pass on its surplus to their state, can acquire rights and liabilities, borrow funds and be liable for repayment of its debts, and can be declared bankrupt.

Section VI – AFD Policy - Corrupt & Fraudulent Practices – Environmental & Social Responsibility

1. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices
The Contracting Authority and the suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants must observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and performance of the contract. The Contracting Authority means the Purchaser, the Employer, the Client, as the case may be, for the procurement of goods, works, plants, consulting services or non-consulting services.
By signing the Statement of Integrity the suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants declare that (i) “it did not engage in any practice likely to influence the contract award process to the Contracting Authority’s detriment, and that it did not and will not get involved in any anti-competitive practice”, and that (ii) “the procurement process and the performance of the contract did not and shall not give rise to any act of corruption or fraud”.
Moreover, AFD requires including in the Procurement Documents and AFD financed contracts a provision requiring that suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants will permit AFD to inspect their accounts and records relating to the procurement process and performance of the AFD financed contract, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by AFD.
AFD reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate to check that these ethics rules are observed and reserves, in particular, the rights to:
1. Reject a proposal for a contract award if it is established that during the selection process the bidder or consultant that is recommended for the award has been convicted of corruption, directly or by means of an agent, or has engaged in fraud or anti-competitive practices in view of being awarded the contract;
2. Declare misprocurement when it is established that, at any time, the Contracting Authority, the suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants or their representatives have engaged in acts of corruption, fraud or anti-competitive practices during the procurement process or performance of the contract without the Contracting Authority having taken appropriate action in due time satisfactory to AFD to remedy the situation, including by failing to inform AFD at the time they knew of such practices.
AFD defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
1. Corruption of a Public Officer means:
1. The act of promising, offering or giving to a Public Officer, directly or indirectly, an undue advantage of any kind for himself or for another Person or entity, for such Public Officer to act or refrain from acting in his official capacity; or
2. The act by which a Public Officer solicits or accepts, directly or indirectly, an undue advantage of any kind for himself or for another Person or entity, for such Public Officer to act or refrain from acting in his official capacity.
2. A Public Officer shall be construed as meaning:
1. Any person who holds a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial mandate (within the country of the Contracting Authority) regardless of whether that natural Person was nominated or elected, regardless of the permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid nature of the position and regardless of the hierarchical level the natural Person occupies;
2. Any other natural Person who performs a public function, including for a State institution or a State owned company, or who provides a public service;
3. Any other natural Person defined as a Public Officer by the national laws of the country of the Contracting Authority.
3. Corruption of a Private Person means:
1. The act of promising, offering or giving to any Private Person, directly or indirectly, an undue advantage of any kind for himself or for another Person or entity, for such Private Person to perform or refrain from performing any act in breach of its legal, contractual or professional obligations; or;
2. The act by which any Private Person solicits or accepts, directly or indirectly, an undue advantage of any kind for himself or for another Person or entity, for such Private Person to perform or refrain from performing any act in breach of its legal, contractual or professional obligations.
4. Fraud means any dishonest conduct (act or omission), whether or not it constitutes a criminal offence, deliberately intended to deceive others, to intentionally conceal items, to violate or vitiate consent, to circumvent legal or regulatory requirements and/or to violate internal rules in order to obtain illegitimate profit.
5. Anti competitive practices mean:
1. Any concerted or implied practices which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within a marketplace, especially where they (i) limit access to the marketplace or free exercise of competition by other undertakings, (ii) prevent free, competition-driven price determination by artificially causing price increases or decreases, (iii) restrict or control production, markets, investments or technical progress; or (iv) divide up market shares or sources of supply;
2. Any abuse by one undertaking or a group of undertakings which hold a dominant position on an internal market or on a substantial part of it;
3. Any practice whereby prices are quoted or set unreasonably low, the object of which is to eliminate an undertaking or any of its products from a market or to prevent it from entering the market.
2. Environmental and Social Responsibility
In order to promote sustainable development, AFD seeks to ensure that internationally recognised environmental and social standards are complied with. Suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants for AFD financed contracts shall consequently undertake in the Statement of Integrity to:
1. Comply with and ensure that all their subcontractors or subconsultants comply with international environmental and labour standards, consistent with applicable law and regulations in the country of implementation of the contract, including the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and international environmental treaties;
2. Implement environmental and social risks mitigation measures when specified in the environmental and social management plan (ESMP) provided by the Contracting Authority.

PART 2 – Employer's Requirements

Section VII – Scope of Employer's Requirements

A. Description of the Works

1. Design and construction of 1X1MVA 0.415/33KV, 1X1MVA33/11KV and 1X1MVA 33/132KV Training Substation on a 603,778 m2 site and an MV/LV Training Pole Yard on a 647,612 m2 site in accordance with the conceptual designs and plans in accordance with the site plan provided.
2. The installation of all services such as electicty, water, sewage etc for pole yard and HV substation
3. Installation of all necessary equipment in the newly constructed HV Substation in accordance with the provisional Bill of Materials provided in item G below - Provisional Bills of Materials for Substation and Pole Yard.
4. Construct and fitting out of a 100m x 60m Outdoor Pole Yard as shown on the site plan complete with a variety of power poles used in Nigeria and transformers, pillar boxes and a shaded canopy.
5. The installation of all necessary roads & pathways within the Substaion and Pole yard complete with link roads/pathways from the Substation and Pole yard to the Institute’s road and secuirty fencing around the installation
6. Landscaping of complete site when construction has been completed.

B. Scope of the Works for Training Substation

1. PROJECT Name: Design and Build (DB) of 1X1MVA 0.415/33KV, 1X1MVA33/11KV and 1X1MVA 33/132KV Training Substation on a 603,778 m2 site
2. Project Location: National Power Training Institute of Nigeria Plot 21, Cadastral Zone by Idu Industrial sewage plant Abuja.
3. Project Manager: Mr. Kunle Oyenusi
4. Client/ Organisation: NAPTIN HQ ABUJA
5. PROJECT BACK GROUND: National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) received funds from Agency Française de Developement (AFD) towards the cost of Enhancing Vocational Training Delivery for the Power Sector in Nigeria. It intends to apply part of the funds to payments under the Contract Design and Build 1X1MVA 0.415/33KV, 1X1MVA33/11KV and 1X1MVA 33/132KV Training Substation on a 603, 778 m2 Site, and an MV/LV Training Pole Yard on a 647,612 m2 Site at NAPTIN Abuja HQ.

Presently, trainings of trainees on Power systems especially on Substation and Pole Yards take place at locations outside the NAPTIN Organisation which is not effective in terms of achieving the organisation’s training objectives and targets.

Completion and Commissioning of the proposed Training Substations and Pole Yard will not only enhance Vocational Training Delivery for the Nigerian Power Sector through hands on training on substations and pole yard but will also reposition NAPTIN to effectively cope with the expected substantial increase in number of prospective trainees.

Design & Build of 1X1MVA 0.415/33KV, 1X1MVA33/11KV and 1X1MVA 33/132KV Training Substation on a 603,778 m2 site using complete and detailed Bill of Quantity with actual quantities and specifications to be Supplied in Bidding Documents.
i. Install all necessary substation yard roads, pathways and cable trenches with slabs, and drainages, complete with Substation Yard stones/gravel for reduced step and touch potentials
ii. Carry out pre- tests on all equipment and commissioning tests for commissioning of substations
iii. Use only materials and equipment that comply with the pertinent standards for example IEC 60502 compliant cables, IEC 60076-24 for Transformers
iv. Cable insulation shall be XLPE for MV/HV Cables or PVC
v. Armour for Cables shall be SWA or AWA as specified
vi. All Substation plant and equipment installations shall comply with Standard Safety Clearances and national Distribution codes and other standards as applicable nationally
PROPOSED TRAINING SUBSTATION SAFETY CLEARANCES PER NERC MINIMUM CLEARANCE-NERC/Reg/2015-Nigerian Electricity Supply and Installation Standards Regulation 2015 and Distribution Code
Clearance between MV/HV phase conductors:
11KV - 1.8M
33KV - 1.8M
132KV  2.4M

Phase to Ground Minimum Clearance NERC Regulations/Distribution Code:
33KV  6.4M Recommended for Training substation 10M
11KV 6.1M Recommended for Training substation 10M
132KV -- 7.0M

This is to ensure Safe Training Clearances at the Substations.
a. Horizontal Safety distance between IXIMVA 0.415/33KV Bay and IXIMVA 33/11KV bay—3M
b. Horizontal safe distance between IXIMVA 33/11KV Bay and IXIMVA 33/132KV Bay --- 4M

vii. Pre-design works and deliverables to be executed include
a. Substation design, SLD, etc conceptual designs to be provided at bidding
b. Soft copies of all Engineering designs and calculations to be provided by bidder. (4 copies each)
c. Soil Test
d. All Civil and Electrical Design Services as specified.
e. Note 132KV section of Training Substation may not be energized.
f. Project Mile Stones
I. Start Date -------- to be stated after bidding
II. Planned Completion Date------ 6 months from start but not later than 9 months for both Substation and Pole Yard.
Additional Requirement(s)
 Bidder with previous experience in building of Training Substation and Pole Yard may have added final selection advantage

C. Scope of the Works for Training Outdoor Pole Yard

1. Construct and fitting out of a 60 x 100 m Outdoor MV/LV Training Pole Yard on a 647,612 MT2 Site as shown on the site plan complete with a variety of power poles used in Nigeria and transformers, pillar boxes and a shaded canopy. The dedicated area is around 60 x 100 m and is foreseen a small service building (12 m2).
2. The conceptual design drawing using poles and materials as per the provisional bill of materials, complete with drainages training Yard roads, and shaded canopy rest space.
3. The variety of poles as specified shall be used for training in the various methods of Pole climbing and pole line construction.
4. More details at bidding Stage
5. Bidders with previous Training Pole Yard Construction may have added final selection advantage.

D. Construction Period(s)

1. It is expected that the construction period will be in the range of 6 to 9 months.
2. Contractors are permitted to offer an alternative time schedule.

E. Site and other Data

All final designs and implementation of the civil works as well as electro-mechanical installations must comply with the Nigerian Building Energy Efficiency Guideline – “NBEEG”. Full compliance with Nigerian Building Code-2006 as restructured part 3a, b, c and d; which covers Pre-design stage, Design stage, Construction stage and Post construction stage, as well as NERC/Distribution and Transmission codes where applicable is required.
The NAPTIN Abuja Site is located within Abuja FCT and is approximately 10 hectares sized area. The site in Abuja is well located for connection to express ways, transport and a new railway line might provide direct services to central Abuja in the near future. Location is in Idu Industrial Area, Plot 21, Cadastral Zone, Mbora District, Abuja
The site is largely flat with a small slope to the south, were the Wupa river is the natural boundary of the plot. Currently it can be accessed only via Nnamdi Azikiwe Express (Ring road 2) way to the south and turn right to the “Inner Northern” and the enter the Idu Industrial Area via the Moh’d Namadi Sambo Way to the second Roundabout. From here it is an unpaved gravel/sand road to reach the “Abuja Sewage Treatment Plant” and the back gate of NAPTIN
The site is characterised by “important sediments of sandy clay soil with included scattered rock boulders”. Contractors may wish to verify the condition of the site.

The NAPTIN HQ Site Idu, Abuja comprises:
a. The Wupa river in its South, which could contribute to recreational uses for the trainees
b. Two access roads and gates
c. Abuja Sewage treatment plant adjacent to the land plot in the North;
d. Open space;
e. Connection to the AEDC distribution grid.
Further to the recently installed surface water drainage system, there are no other known Underground infrastructures on the site.

F. Conceptual Designs

G. Provisional Bills of Materials for Substation and Pole Yard

NOTE: The following Bills of Materials are only indicative of the type of materials which will be required for this project
Complete & detailed Bills of Quantities with actual Quantities and Specifications will be supplied in Bidding Documents.


1MVA 33/132 BAY
1MVA 33/132KV Dyn1 Transformer- Complete with supports
33KV, 10KA class-3 Surge Arrester- Complete with supports
132KV/ 630, 25KA DS with 1 grounding blade- Complete with supports
132KV CB, 630A, 31.5KA- Complete with supports
132KV 132KV⁄√3/110V⁄√3/110V⁄√3 VT-Complete with supports
132KV, 10KA, Class-3 Surge Arrester- Complete with supports
132KV Post type Insulators- Complete with supports
33KV 3 Core 400/600/800/1200/1-1-1A Complete with supports
33KV 33KV⁄√3/110V⁄√3/110V⁄√3 VT- Complete with supports
132KV, 1200/800/600/400/1/1/1/1/1/1A CT- Complete with supports
36KV 2000A,25KA DS - Complete with supports
33KV indoor Termination kit
132KV Indoor Termination Kit
36KV 2000A, 25KA with 1 grounding blade DS- Complete with supports

16mm2x3c XLPE SWA 33KV cable
16mm2 x 3C XLPE SWA 132KV cable
16mm2x3c XLPE SWA 11KV cable
16mm2x4 PVC 600V cable
33KV 33KV⁄√3/110V⁄√3/110V⁄√3 VT- Complete with supports
33KV 2000KA,25KA Disconnector Switch (DS) Complete with supports
33KV 2000A, 25KA DS with Grounding Blade- Complete with support structure
33KV, 3-Core, 400/600/800/1200/1-1-1A CT- Complete with support structure
33KV Bus bar and equipment connections hardware, fittings and accessories complete with tubular conductor shield wire
33KV 2000A, 25KA CB- Complete with support structure
Complete gantries other than Busbar structures
Complete 33 kV Support structures

33KV Gantry shield wire mast for 8m height busbar
Gantry column for 8m height bus-
Gantry beam for 8m height bus-
Complete 33KV 8M bus bar structure
Complete gantries other than bus bar structure- Complete with supports
Complete 33KV support structures

33KV,1250A 25KA CB- Complete with supports
33KV,1250A 25KA DS- Complete with supports
33KV,1250A, 25KA DS- Complete with supports with 1 Grounding blade
33KV 2000A, 25KA DS- Complete with 1Grounding Blade
33KV VT 33KV⁄√3/110V⁄√3/110V⁄√3- Complete with Supports
33KV, 10KA, Class-3- Surge Arrestor- Complete with supports
33KV 400/600/800/1200/1-1-1A CT- Complete with Support
36KV 2000A, 25KA DS- Complete with supports
33KV 3-Core 400/600/800/1200/ 1-1-1a CT-Complete with supports
33KV, 1250A, 25KA CB Complete with supports
33KV outdoor Raychem Termination kit
1MVA 33/11KV YNd11(ONAN) Transformer- Complete with Supports
36KV 2000A, 25KA DS- Complete with support structures
33KV 2000A, 25KA CB- Complete with support
33KV 3-core, 400/600/800/2000/1-1-1A CT- Complete with support/per phase
33KV, 10KA class-3,Surge Arrester Complete with supports
33KV VT 33KV⁄√3/110V⁄√3/110V⁄√3 - Complete with Supports
33KV indoor Raychem Termination kit
11KV Raychem Kit- outdoor Raychem Termination kit
11KV Raychem Kit- indoor Raychem Termination kit
11KV Lightning Arrestor- Complete with support structure
11KV 630A, SF6 RMU
500KVA 11/0.415KV Dyn11 Transformer
Galvanised Earth Rods- 6ft
Copper Earth wire- 70MM2- Bare Conductor
11KV 30A D-Type Droppable fuse Complete with support
150mm2 x 4C 600V SWA PVC cable
70mm2 PVC insulated copper conductor
100mm2 AAC aluminium conductor
800A,600V Change over switch
70A, 600V,MCCB Gear Switch
600V, 800A,4 Ways Feeder pillar panel
11KV 200A 17.5KA Lightening Arrester Complete with support

Supply and Installation of 415V Gen 50HZ PF. 0.8 Diesel Silent Container 250KVA/200KW stand by power 250 KVA/200 KW Standby power 250KVA/200KW 1500RPM- Complete with installation supports
Supply and Installation IMVA 0.415/33kV Yn11d 50Hz Transformer- Complete with Plinth
400A 600V MCCB, Air switch 4 pole, Breaker Complete with support
600V, 630A-CB - Complete with support Structures
33kV/0.415kV 3000/150 kVA Earthing Transformer- Complete with support
33kV VT 33kV/√3/11OV/√3/110V/√3- Complete with support
33kV, 10kA, Class 3 Surge Arrester- Complete with support
33kV CT 3-CORE 400/ 600/ 800/1200/ 1-1-1A- Complete with support
33kV,1250A,25kA CB complete with support structures
33kV O/D indoor Termination kit
36kV,1250A,25kA CB Complete with support structures
36kV, 1250A, 25kA DS-with 1 grounding blade Complete with support structures
36kV, 1250A, 25kA DS- Complete with support structures
33kv OLTC panel
AC Distribution
415/240V AC Distribution panel
DC Distribution
110V DC Distribution panel 200AH (Capacity)
Marshalling Kiosk with more than 100 in- out terminals
Battery charger 240VAC input and 110DC out put
Lead acid or nickel cadmium battery bank 110 DC output
Protection panel for 33kV Double Bus section complete with
Differential, O/C, and E/F Protection relays.
Protection panel 1MVA 132/33kv Transformer -Primary side
Protection panel 1MVA 132/33kv Transformer -Secondary side
Protection panel 1MVA 33/11KV- Primary side
Protection panel 1MVA 33/0.415KV- Primary side
2.5mm2 x 4c SWA PVC cable
2.5mm2 x 12c SWA PVC cable
2.5mm2 x 7c SWA PVC cable
6mm2X 4C SWA PVC cable
4mm2 x 6c SWA PVC cable
2.5mm2X19C SWA PVC cable
6mm2X8C SWA PVC cable
Equipotential mat 1m x 1m (HV) unto 36kv
Safety rubber mat 1MX7M
Equipotential mat 1mx1m 132kv
Marshalling kiosk
Junction box for Lighting Fixture
Junction box for Pole Lighting Fixture
Overhead Galvanised Steel Ground wire for Lightning Protection

11KV 10.06M RC Pole
600V 8.53M RC Pole
Aluminium to Aluminum Line Tap-
BI-Metal Line Tap-
Bolts&Nuts 5⁄8''×11''-
Bolts&Nuts 5⁄8''×9''-
Bolts/ Nuts 5/8 x17
Bolts/Nuts 5/8x2
Bolts&Nuts 5⁄8''×3''-
5/8 -galvanised Washer
Danger Sign Plates
500MM2 Cable Lug-


33KV Ganged Isolator complete with support
100KVA 33/11KV Yd11 Pad mounted transformer complete with support
33KV 10KA, Class 3 Surge arrester complete with support
33KV D- Type Droppable fuse complete with support
33KV Post- Insulator
33KV Disc- Insulator
33KV J-Hook
33KV Raychem Termination Kit (Outdoor)
33KV Raychem Termination Kit (In door)
Tie Strap
Channel Iron 3m
33KV Fibre cross-arm

33KV 33mm2 × 1 Core XLPE Cable
33KV 16mm2 × 1 Core SWA PVC Cable
33KV, 16mm2, RayChem Termination Kit outdoor
33KV, 16mm2, RayChem Termination Kit indoor
100mm2 AAC bare Aluminium Conductor
Cable Sockets 35m2
Cable Sockets 16mm2
70mm2 Bare Copper Conductor
70mm2 Copper wire Sockets
Galvanized copper earth rods 6ft
70mm2 Copper Clamps
7/8 Stray Wire s.w.g galvanised steel strand, 45 ton (quality) B.S 183
Galvanised Steel Stray rods
Sling type strain stay insulator
Bimetal Line tap 35mm2
Aluminum- Aluminum Line tape 100mm2
25KVA, Custom built transformer with duct IV output Voltage 415 400V 11/0.400/0.415KV Dyn11 Pole mounted CSP complete with supports
Ganged Isolator 11KV complete with supports
11KV, 25A, F6 Insulated outdoor RMU
Fibre Cross arm (11KV)
U- Channel iron
11KV Tie Strap
11KV Silicon Pot Insulators
11kv Spindles
7/8 s.w.g galvanised steel strand stray wire ( 45 ton quality) B.S. 183
Galvanised Steel Stray Rods
Sling type strain stay insulator

11KV 35MM2 Indoor Raychem Termination Kit
11KV 35MM2 outdoor Raychem Termination Kit
11KV 25mm2 Indoor termination Kit
11KV 25mm2 Outdoor termination Kit
11KV, 25mm2× 4C
11KV25mm2 Bimetak Line Tap
11KV, 25mm2 Cable Lugs
100mm2 AAC Bare Aluminium Conductor
Aluminum- Aluminum Line tape 100mm2
Bimetal Line tap 35mm2
1×35mm2 × 1600V, XLPE CABLE
600V 3Out door Raychem Termination Kit (35mm2)
600V 4-POLE 100A Out door Pole mounted Isolator switch
600V, 35mm2 Cable Lug
Bi-metal Line tap 35mm2 600V
Aluminum- Aluminum Line tape 100mm2
D-Iron with bolt
Shackle Insulator (porcelain)
70mm2 Bare Copper Conductor
Galvanised Copper Earth rods 6
70mm2 Copper Sockets
70mm2 Copper Clamps
4/8 stay wire s.w.g galvanised steel strand 45 ton
Stay Rod (Galvanised Steel)
Sling type Strain Stay Insulator
100AMP, 4-POLE GEAR Switch (indoor)
Pre-paid meter 60A 3-Phase
Post-paid meter 60A 3-Phase
16mm2×4C 600V.Retilen Cable
600V indoor Raychem Termination Kit(35mm2)


8.53m Rectangular Cross-section Reinforced Concrete (RC) Poles wit lines man climbing rungs
8.53m Circular Cross-section Reinforced Concrete Poles with lines man climbing rungs
10.6m rectangular cross-section reinforced concrete Poles with 1 foot spaced lines Man climbing rungs
10.06m Circular Cross section Reinforced concrete Poles with 1 foot spaced lines man climbing rungs
12m circular cross section Reinforced concrete Pole with linesman climbing rungs
12m rectangular cross section Reinforced concrete Pole with linesman climbing rungs
Standard galvanised steel plate stay anchor plates or stay precast concrete stay blocks
5/8''×11'' Bolts and Nuts
5/8''×12'' Bolts and Nuts
5/8'' Galvanized Washer
5/8''×2'' Bolt and nuts
5/8''×6'' Bolts and Nuts
5/8''×8'' Bolts and nuts
5/8''×9'' Bolts and Nuts
5/8''×10'' Bolts and Nuts
6-Bolts Clamp
Adapter Socket
   National procurement
   published: Mar 11, 2022

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NAPTIN Corporate HQ
Federal Capital Territory, ABUJA 900102
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