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Sierra Leone Compact Development Unit

This buyer is a part of Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
Sierra Leone Compact Development Unit operates in Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone has been declared eligible for a poverty reduction grant from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”), a United States government agency. In connection therewith, the Government of Sierra Leone submitted a proposal to MCC for a Compact that was recently approved by the MCC Board of Directors. The Compact aims to address the constraints to economic growth in the electricity sector through three projects: the Power Sector Reform Project, the Transmission Backbone Project, and the Distribution and Access Project.

Procurement notices

Country:  Sierra Leone

Type:  gpn

Aug 16, 2024 

Country:  Sierra Leone

Type:  rei

Aug 15, 2024 
Sep 6, 2024 

Country:  Sierra Leone

Type:  spn

Aug 14, 2024 
Sep 11, 2024