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World Coffee Research (WCR)


Grow, protect, and enhance supplies of quality coffee while improving the livelihoods of the families who produce it.


All of their projects are designed to enhance the livelihoods of the producers who are the stewards of both quality and productivity. If they lose them, they lose the game and future of the industry.


To create a toolbox of coffee varieties, genetic resources and accompanying technologies and to disseminate them strategically and collaboratively in producing countries to alleviate constraints to the supply chain of high quality coffee.


Their globe-spanning trials and projects in 21 countries are all designed to deliver:

Higher quality coffee
More productive coffee farms
More sustainable and dignified livelihoods for coffee farmers

How They Work:


They do not do this work alone. Many of their core scientific staff work in agricultural research departments at Texas A&M University, where they are headquartered. But they collaborate with the best minds in coffee science, wherever they are. They have partnered with researchers from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), one of world-leading food security research organizations; CIRAD, a French academic institute that has made critical contributions to coffee research; and Kew Gardens, one of the world's premier botanical research centers, among many others.


Most of their research is done in the places where coffee is grown. They partner with local research institutions, coffee organizations, governments, and NGOs who can ensure maximum impact.  They believe its essential to build the human and institutional capacity in these countries, and are working to foster the next generation of coffee scientists and expand the network of coffee research institutions in producing countries through collaborative research and training.


Their research is “precompetitive” and for the benefit of the entire coffee industry. As often as possible, scholarly works resulting from their research are published in open-access journals. 


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