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Research, Training and Management (RTM) International

RTM International is a non-profit organization registered with the Government of Bangladesh. It provides high quality technical and information support to the institutions/concerns working in health, education and environment development sector for the design, implementation and development of local capacity. It was established as an independent NGO in 1994 with the name 'JSI Research and Training Institute, Bangladesh (JSI Bangladesh)' and as an affiliate of John Snow Incorporated, a leading public health organization incorporated in USA. JSI Bangladesh used to receive technical cooperation and partial financial support from JSI USA. The activities of JSI Bangladesh were limited to primary and reproductive health and the reality demanded that the organization should be more broad-based. From July 2004, JSI USA phased out its financial support and JSI Bangladesh changed its name to 'Research, Training and Management (RTM) International' with the approval of its registration authority in Bangladesh.

RTM International is currently working as a sustainable entity with 'business' linkages and associations with multiple donors, government and private sector institutions. It has over the years built an in-house human resource pool of 60 professionals with diversified background and experience in the development field. Besides it has established a strong working relationship with resources from different development areas, whose expertise could be availed of at a short notice. The clientele of RTM International include almost all UN bodies, UNHCR, UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNICEF, World Bank, WHO, WFP, FAO and many international organizations namely, FHI360, Abt. Associates, Helen Keller International, Australian Council for Educational Research, ICF-Macro, JICA, Micronutrient Initiative, Save the Children, University Research Corporation, Ipas Bangladesh, Rockefeller Foundation, IPPF, Chemonics, PATH, SwissContact, John Hopkins University, GIZ, Engender Health, Columbia University, Aberdeen University, JSI, JHPIEGO, and the Government of Bangladesh.

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