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Tenders in Israel


Diakonia is a Swedish organisation for international development co-operation. They support more than 400 partner organisations in about 30 countries.Together with their partners they form a global network, working towards more people living a life in dignity.

Diakonia's goal is a fair and sustainable development in which living standards for the most vulnerable people are improved, and democracy, human rights and gender equality are respected. The starting point for this is the gospel with Jesus as the role model and, based on this, the policy.


Human Rights

Many of Diakonia's local partner organisations in the world work in different ways to strengthen the respect for the human rights. Some focus on minorities and native people. Others educate within the areas of citizenship or economic and social rights. In areas of conflict, mapping and documenting violations against human rights are important tasks, as well as educating so called "barefoot lawyers" and to assist with legal aid.


Diakonia has many years of experience in supporting efforts for democracy and democratisation. To us, the word "democracy" includes more than a formal setting of laws and regulations. Just as important is the fact that people must have the ability, knowledge and possibility to exercise their democratic rights. In a true democracy all people also carry obligations, both on idividual and overall levels in society and everyday life. 

Social and Economic Justice

In Sweden and the EU they mobilize and build opinion for politics that favour the poor. In different ways, they challenge descision makers to live up to their promises for a fair and sustainable development. One way of doing this, is by presenting realistic and constructive alternatives to the current politics.

Gender Equality

Diakonia has developed a Gender Manual. This is directed to the partner organisations and others, who wish to evaluate how the gender perspective has been incorporated into the structures and everyday work of the organisation.

Peace and Reconciliation

Diakonia works to support political structures which can manage and channel different interests and viewpoints by working out compromises. Within such a system, human rights, international humanitarian law and a fair division of resources are naturally guaranteed and respected.

Strengthening the political weight of human rights can change the social and economic structures that lie behind armed conflicts in favour of the poor and vulnerable, particularly women.

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