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This buyer is a part of World Bank.
JOHAR operates in India.
The development objective of the Jharkhand Opportunities for Harnessing Rural Growth (JOHAR) Project for India is to enhance and diversify household income in select farm and non?farm sectors for targeted beneficiaries in project areas. The project comprises of three components. The first component, diversified and resilient production and value addition will support collectives of small producers and interventions for diversification, intensification, and value?addition in the selected sub?sectors of high?value agriculture (HVA), livestock, non?timber forest produce (NTFP), fisheries, and irrigation. It consists of following sub-components: (i) rural producer collectives; (ii) high?value agriculture development; (iii) livestock development; (iv) fishery development; (v) non?timber forest produce development; and (vi) irrigation system development. The second component will involve support for promoting market access and private sector participation, fostering skill development relevant to the focus value chains, and facilitating the development of pro-poor agricultural finance systems. It consists of following sub-components: (i) market access and private sector participation; (ii) skill, jobs, and enterprise development; and (iii) pro?poor agricultural finance systems. The third component, project and knowledge management objective is to establish effective project management and facilitate strong knowledge management.

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