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AFGHANISTAN - Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation

This buyer is a part of Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
AFGHANISTAN - Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation operates in Afghanistan.
The Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation (AUWSSC) has received financing under grant number AFD n® CAF 1056 from the French Development Agency, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the following services: technical assistance for Kabul strategic business unit.

The project objective is to strengthen the technical, operational – maintenance and commercial capacities of the Kabul Strategic Business Unit (KSBU) and ensure long-term viability and sustainability of the drinking water supply in Kabul. The whole program will bring in methods, competences and knowledge replicable countrywide, through AUWSSC.

The project will include two phases.
A first phase: this phase will consist in undertaking a detailed diagnostic of KSBU skills requirement, such as International knowledge transform – National level Trainings and on job trainings in order to validate and precise previous analyses and fine tune mission objectives.
B Second Phase: The second part will aim at implementing the identified program which may comprise:
- Mission general coordination;
- Strong on-ground day-to-day technical support for operation and maintenance on both production and distribution (international O&M technicians), in order to directly support the non-revenue water strategy the consultant will have defined ;
- enhancement of the client database and financial management( MIS Soft wears and experts for 15 field offices) purchase and implement a geographical information system (GIS) with a trained and expert staff to take part of the KSBU staff
- Development of Customer standard data base and revenue collection centre.
- Work fund management for small works and equipment required to operate the Kabul water system.

Procurement notices


Country:  Afghanistan

Type:  spn

Sep 22, 2021 
Sep 29, 2021 

Country:  Afghanistan

Type:  spn

May 12, 2021