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TG:Agricultural Sector Support Project

This buyer is a part of World Bank.
TG:Agricultural Sector Support Project operates in Togo.
The objectives of the Agriculture Sector Support Project is to rehabilitate and reinforce productive capacities among targeted beneficiaries across selected value chains, and foster an enabling institutional environment for the development of the agricultural sector, in the recipients territory. There are three components to the project. The first component of the project is promotion of strategic food crop, export crop and freshwater fish production. This component is to support three productive sub-sectors through improved productivity and value-added of key commodities chosen for their growth potential and poverty reduction impact. The second component of the project is recovery of the livestock sub-sector. This is to provide emergency short term support to rehabilitate small ruminant and poultry production. The third component of the project is support for capacity building and sector coordination. This is to enable the institutional setup implement sound agricultural investments through National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Program (PNIASA), while preparing for the transition to a sector wide approach in the future.

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